Nador The Vibrant Coastal Hub of Northeastern Morocco

About Nador City Morocco Foto

Nador is a coastal city in northeastern Morocco, with a population of around 161,726. It is separated from the Mediterranean Sea by a salt lagoon. The city is located near the Spanish city of Melilla and was under Spanish rule until 1956. The Nador Province has a population of over 600,000, mainly consisting of Riff-Berber ethnicity. The economy of Nador is diverse, including fisheries, agriculture, and various industries with recent growth in manufacturing. During the summer, Nador sees an influx of visitors from Europe, contributing to the local economy. Its strategic location and proximity to Melilla foster international trade, including the sale of Spanish-made goods. Nador was previously known for smuggling, but it has declined while competition from Algeria remains. The city also sees the import of used consumer goods from Europe and China through Melilla, both legally and illegally.